
Issued by

corelab studios GmbH

corelab studios GmbH,
Voltastraße 8-10
63303 Dreieich

T+49 61032084848


Managing Directors
Dr. Reinhard Hübner

Local court
Offenbach am Main

Trade register number
HRB 54437

VAT numberVAT ID:


Copyright information, disclaimer

Access to and use of this web site is at the user's own risk. corelab studios GmbH is not responsible nor liable for damages of any kind, including direct and/or indirect damages and/or subsequent damages resulting from the access and/or use of this Website.

The contents of this website have been compiled and checked with due care. All information provided is accurate, complete and up-to-date to the best of our knowledge. We therefore cannot assume liability or guarantee the topicality, accuracy and completeness of the information provided. corelab studios GmbH reserves the right to modify or discontinue operation of this website in whole or in part at anytime, and is not obliged to keep the contents of this site up-to-date. The content of the website is protected by copyright. The duplication of information or data, in particular the use of texts, extracts of texts or picture material must be approved first by corelab studios GmbH. The exceptions are the materials supplied for the express purpose of distribution. The provision of hyperlinks to third-party websites does not constitute an approval on the part of corelab studios GmbH to the contents provided there.

Link disclaimer

This website contains links to other websites. We have no influence on whether their operators comply with the data protection provisions.

Concept, Programming and CMS

Solar Digital- Full-Service Internet Agency